Kubernetes Learning Notes - Part 2 - Deploying Stateful Services

In the last part of this series, we learned how to do a basic deployment of a stateless service. You may ask what about our CouchDB service? How do we deploy a database which is innately stateful to a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes 1.5+ has introduced Stateful Set feature which makes this possible.

Stateful Sets

According to the docs, a stateful set provides containers with the following:

  • stable and unique network identifiers
  • stable persistent storage
  • ordered, graceful deployment and scaling
  • ordered, graceful deletion and termination

For deploying CouchDB, we need to deploy a stateful set of CouchDB containers which allows us to attach a persistent storage to the container so our overmind service does not lose its data.

Persistent Volumes

First we need to define persistent volumes for the cluster. Note that Kubernetes does not manage the life cycle of a persistent volume. Persistent volumes are provisioned out of band, usually a network backed storage system like NFS, Quobyte, Ceph, etc. After the volume is provisioned, you let the cluster know about it by creating a PersistentVolume object in the cluster.

Create a persistent volume

Let’s create a persistent volume for our cluster. Since we’re dealing with minikube which is essentially a single host cluster, let’s just create a folder on the host as our storage.

ssh into the minikube host:

minikube ssh

Then, create a folder /tmp/couchdb:

mkdir /tmp/couchdb

Create PersistentVolume API object

After we’ve created a folder on the host, let’s create the API object in Kubernetes so the cluster knows about it.

Save the following as couchdb-pv.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
    name: pv-couchdb
        storage: 100M
        - ReadWriteOnce
    persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Recycle
        path: "/tmp/couchdb"

Here, we declare that our persistent volume has the capacity of 100M and can be mounted as read-write by a single node (ReadWriteOnce). Bear that accessModes here only defines the mode of access supported by this particular persistent volume. An actual volume can only be mounted using a single mode.

Let’s create the object using kubectl:

$ kubectl apply -f couchdb-pv.yaml
persistentvolume "pv-couchdb" created


$ kubectl get pv
pv-couchdb   100M       RWO           Recycle         Available                                      4m

Persistent Volume Claims

After we have the persistent volume defined, a container can request such volume by issuing a persistent volume claim. It’s similar to pods in the sense that pods can request computing resource (such as CPU and memory) and Kubernetes allocates the pod to a certain node that satisfy such computing resource constraint whereas persistent volume claims request storage resource and the cluster allocates persistent storage to the claim that can satisfy its constraints such as access mode, size and storage class.

Create PersistentVolumeClaim API object

Let’s look at the manifest for a persistent volume claim. Copy the following to couchdb-pvc.yaml:

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
    name: pvc-couchdb
        - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: 10M
    storageClassName: ""

Under spec, we define what constraint our persistent volume should satisfy: support RWO access mode and at least 10MB of storage. Note that we have storageClassName set to "". Since we did not define the storageClassName when creating our PersistentVolume, if I do not include storageClassName: "" in the spec, this claim will not find any matching volume to bind to. This is a bit counter-intuitive to me. If anyone knows why it behaves as such, please let me know!

Let’s create the PVC object in the cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f couchdb-pvc.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim "pvc-couchdb" created


$ kubectl get pvc
pvc-couchdb   Bound     pv-couchdb   100M       RWO                          28s

As you can see, the status of the claim is set to “Bound”. Let’s drill down using kubectl describe command:

kubectl describe pvc pvc-couchdb
Name:           pvc-couchdb
Namespace:      default
Status:         Bound
Volume:         pv-couchdb
Labels:         <none>
Annotations:    kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration={"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"PersistentVolumeClaim","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"pvc-couchdb","namespace":"default"},"spec":{"accessModes":["Read...
Capacity:       100M
Access Modes:   RWO
Events:         <none>

We can see that the volume claim is bound to the volume pv-couchdb which is the persistent volume we just created.

Managing Secrets

When starting the CouchDB container, we can supply COUCHDB_USER and COUCHDB_PASSWORD environment variables to create the CouchDB user for our application. Obviously it’s less than idea to have the naked password sitting in the manifest file. Kubernetes allows us to create Secret objects to host these sensitive information and decode them on-demand. Let’s look at how to create them.

Suppose we want our CouchDB username and password to be admin and passw0rd. Password is the sensitive information that we want to encode here.

Create a Secret

First, create a plain text file to hold the secret:

echo -n "passw0rd" > password

We use -n here to prevent the password file to have a trailing \n. Create the secret API object using kubectl:

$ kubectl create secret generic couchdb-password --from-file=password
secret "couchdb-password" created


$ kubectl get secrets
NAME                  TYPE                                  DATA      AGE
couchdb-password      Opaque                                1         35s
default-token-qt6bn   kubernetes.io/service-account-token   3         2d

$ kubectl describe secret couchdb-password
Name:           couchdb-password
Namespace:      default
Labels:         <none>
Annotations:    <none>

Type:   Opaque

password:       8 bytes

We will be referring to the secret later on when we write the pod definition for the stateful set manifest. The user of the cluster is able to decode the secret:

kubectl get secret couchdb-password -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
  password: cGFzc3cwcmQ=
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: 2017-05-30T02:54:42Z
  name: couchdb-password
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "62147"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/couchdb-password
  uid: 5471c484-44e3-11e7-a163-080027f8c743
type: Opaque

The data here is base64 encoded. To decode it, simply use base64 -d:

echo cGFzc3cwcmQ= | base64 -d

Create Stateful Set for CouchDB

Now we can tie the above concepts all together to create our stateful set manifest. First off, though, we will have to delete our one-off PersistentVolumeClaim since we will be defining a persistent volume claim template inside our StatefulSet.

kubectl delete pvc pvc-couchdb

Now, let’s create a file couchdb-statefulset.yaml:

kind: StatefulSet
apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
    name: couchdb
    serviceName: couchdb
    replicas: 1
                tier: db
            terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10
                - name: couchdb
                  image: couchdb:1.6
                      - containerPort: 5984
                        name: http
                      - name: couchdb-data
                        mountPath: /usr/local/var/lib/couchdb
                      - name: COUCHDB_USER
                        value: admin
                      - name: COUCHDB_PASSWORD
                                name: couchdb-password
                                key: password
        - metadata:
            name: couchdb-data
                  - ReadWriteOnce
                      storage: 10M
              storageClassName: ""

Let’s disect it section by section. As usual, the metadata section specifies the name of the stateful set. In the spec section, we want exactly 1 copy of the CouchDB pod running, since we’re running with CouchDB 1.6, which is unclustered. If we want, we can have another CouchDB pod running as a backup and setup replication between the two, but it probably deserve a separate post on its own.

Just like Deployments, Stateful Sets also requires pod template definition, since it’s able to launch multiple replicas of the same pod. Here we want the CouchDB 1.6 pod with a volume mount named couchdb-data. This name refers to the volumeClaim which we defined later. Basically, for each replica of the pod, we need a volume claim (which uses the volumeClaimTemplates) and use the bound persistent volume to create a volume to be used by the container.

Finally, in the env section we define the environment variables used by the pod. COUCHDB_USER is self-explanatory. COUCHDB_PASSWORD however, uses the secret object that we created earlier named couchdb-password. To reference it, use valueFrom.secretKeyRef and specify the name of the secret object as well as the key of the secret.

Let’s submit this manifest to the cluster:

kubectl apply -f couchdb-statefulset.yaml
statefulset "couchdb" created

Let’s check the state of the various objects this manifest creates.

First, the persistent volume claim object:

$ kubectl get pvc
couchdb-data-couchdb-0   Bound     pv-couchdb   100M       RWO                          35s

The pods:

$ kubectl get pod
NAME                       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
couchdb-0                  1/1       Running   0          1m

And the stateful set:

$ kubectl get statefulset
couchdb   1         1         1m

CouchDB Service

Now that we have our CouchDB stateful set deployed, we want to access the CouchDB instance. Similar to deployment of replica sets, we need to create a service to give our pods an IP address.

Let’s create a service manifest. Save the following as couchdb-service.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    name: couchdb
        app: couchdb
        tier: db
        tier: db
    type: NodePort
        - port: 5984

This is similar to the service we created in the last post, except we have a different selector (to select the CouchDB pods) and a different exposed port.

Submit it to the cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f couchdb-service.yaml
service "couchdb" created


$ kubectl get service
couchdb     <nodes>       5984:30281/TCP   8s
kubernetes     <none>        443/TCP          2d
overmind    <nodes>       8080:30674/TCP   1d

As explained in the last blog post, for minikube, we can get an ingress URL for the service using minikube service command:

$ minikube service couchdb --url

We’re able to reach the CouchDb instance using that URL:

$ curl $(minikube service couchdb --url)
{"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"908a9f83f1376705113e6015c26f994a","version":"1.6.1","vendor":{"version":"1.6.1","name":"The Apache Software Foundation"}} 

Let’s create a test database:

$ curl -XPUT http://admin:passw0rd@
$ curl http://admin:passw0rd@

The point of a stateful set is that if the CouchDB pod dies or has to be killed for some reason, the data it previous had will not disappear and will be re-attached to the CouchDB pod once it becomes available again.

Let’s kill the CouchDB pod first:

$ kubectl delete pod couchdb-0
pod "couchdb-0" deleted

Trying to access the service endpoint will timeout:

$ curl http://admin:passw0rd@

Let’s re-apply the same manifest to create the pod again:

$ kubectl apply -f couchdb-statefulset.yaml
statefulset "couchdb" configured

And make the curl request:

$ curl http://admin:passw0rd@

As you can see, our service is back and the data it previous had intact.


This concludes our tour of the Stateful Set feature of Kubernetes 1.5+. A stateful set is like a replica set, except it provides a couple of guarantees. One of which is it’s able to keep a persistent volume claim, which is suited to run workloads like databases.

A persistent storage is provisioned separately from any Kubernetes objects, and is made aware of by the cluster by creating a PersistentVolume object.

A persistent volume is able to be “claimed” by a persistent volume claim. Kubernetes is able to match the constraints expressed in the claim object with a persistent volume that satisfies the constraints.

Deploying stateful services to Kubernetes is still full of sharp edges, just because of the nature of database clustering - every database product is likely to have its own way of doing clustering and orchestration.

In the next blog post, we’re going to integrate the overmind service with the CouchDB service created in this post. See you next time.

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